Essential Malay Phrases You’ll Need in Malaysia

The Malay language or Bahasa Malaysia is a relatively easy language to speak. Pronunciation generally follows the spelling with “sy” in Malay pronounced the “sh” sound in English. The only slight uncertainty being “e” which can be pronounced either like the ‘her’ or ‘hey’ sound. All in all, you will still be understood even if it is mixed up so don’t worry!

Greetings and Essentials

Thank you / Terima Kasih

Yes/No – Ya/Tidak

Welcome / Selamat Datang

Goodbye / Selamat Jalan

I don’t understand / Saya tak faham

Directions and Transportation

Where is the toilet? / Di mana tandas?

Turn right / Belok kanan

Turn left / Belok kiri

Go straight / Jalan terus

Slow down / Perlahan sikit

Taxi / Teksi

Bus / Bas

Flight/Plane – Kapalterbang

Train / Keretapi

Road / Jalan

Exit / Keluar

Entrance / Masuk

At The Restaurant/Cafe

Less Sweet / Kurang Manis

No sugar / Tanpa gula

No milk / Tanpa susu

Extra spicy / Kurang pedas

Less spicy / Sedap


Water / Air

At The Market

How much? / Berapa?

Expensive / Mahal


One / Satu

Two / Dua

Three / Tiga

Four / Empat

Five / Lima

Six / Enam

Seven / Tujuh

Eight / Lapan

Nine / Sembilan

Ten / Sepuluh

Making Friends

How are you? / Apa khabar?

I’m fine / Khabar baik?

Have you eaten? / Dah makan?

Beautiful / Cantik

I’m sorry / Maaf

Please / Tolong

Let’s go / Jom

For Everything Else…

Hot / Panas

Cold / Sejuk

Can / Boleh

Village / Kampung

River / Sungai

Beach / Pantai

Sea / Laut

Caution / Awas

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